For the Days You Feel a Little Lost

This is a reminder I wrote to myself. For the days where I got a little lost - when the journey seemed overwhelming and lonely, and the comfort zone started to feel intriguing again.

The dream about something different/more/new

But what? and how?

Finding the dream, visualizing the path towards it

Having the courage to do it, having courage to take the leap. Begin to live the life you dream about. Or just the life that calls right now. Maybe it’s not a life-long dream, but if something is calling you, then answer. Let it in, accept and receive it.

Allow yourself to let go.

Have the patience to wait for the right thing to find you and settle within you - it requires you to open up for the version of yourself that is ready to receive it. Believe in yourself and your journey, trust the proces, and trust that the universe has your back.

Nothing can go wrong, because anything that “goes wrong” is just a learning and redirection of your route to where you are supposed to land. Let go of the control and allow it to unfold in its natural flow.

Be conscious of your choices every day, and follow your intuition towards the version of yourself that you dream of unlocking

You’ve got this. I believe in you.


What If You Stopped Holding On So Tight?